Sunday, July 24, 2016

ATM Evangelist, Phillip Rock

Rock was reborn as an ATM evangelist. In his first month, he sold 25 machines through cold calls. He began to log 100,000 miles a year on his car throughout the Northwest. “My problem is I’m 150 percent or nothing,” says Rock.
As Card Capture Services grew, Rock was growing restless, leaving the firm to light out on his own. Jetton sold Card Capture Services and its 8,500 ATMs to E*Trade Financial Service Inc. in 2000 in an all-stock deal then worth just shy of $100 million. Today, Jetton is CEO of the Portland-based Auction Pay, which provides credit card-processing services for benefit and nonprofit events.
“Basically from the first day that he sold an ATM machine, he was always our top rep — every single month — and we had some pretty experienced guys on the sales team,” says Jetton of his brother. “I think he’s been working extremely hard ever since. He likes to work. He’s come a long way in a short amount of time.”
Rock left his brother’s firm in 1996 and landed in Minnesota. He was renting a house in Deephaven and literally began at the bottom: doing business out of his basement. His business plan, to the extent that he had one, was rudimentary: sell as many ATMs as possible. “I went out and sold eight machines the first month,” says Rock, who promptly invested the proceeds from those sales into marketing materials to promote the company. 


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