Friday, July 19, 2019

"Vote For Me" with Yadira Pascault Orozco and Lisa Cole - Now at Brisk Theater Festival (Los Angeles)

"Vote For Me" with Yadira Pascault Orozco and Lisa Cole
at Brisk Theater Festival (Los Angeles). The ten-minute politically oriented two-women play was written by Australian, Kel Vance and directed by John Fingal O'Donnell.

Friday, July 12, 2019

"Taro Reef" Surf-Surrealism by Californian artist Ithaka (Ithaka Darin Pappas)

Friday, July 12, 2019

Surf Art Photo-Surrealism "TARO REEF" by Ithaka (Ithaka Darin Pappas)

"Taro Reef" surf-oriented photo surrealism by Californian artist, Ithaka (Ithaka Darin Pappas)

"TARO REEF" - a surrealist photography series by artist: Ithaka (plant waves photographed by Ithaka Darin Pappas in Brazil) The featured images were all photographed at Taro Reef during a single winter season. Taro Reef is located at AkahtiLândia, Ithaka's mini-ranch and art studio situated in the Mata Atlântica (Atlantic Rainforest) in the State of São Paulo (Brazil). Although multiple attempts were made to continue the series, the taro patch at AkahtiLândia (Taro Reef) never again received ideal lighting conditions, nor did the curves of the leaves again emulate ocean waves as they had that one winter. The "Taro Reef" project is uniquely comprised only of the images on this presentation.

Galleries: WOA-Way Of Arts (Europe) Coffin Alley Gallery (North America) Individual works (in order of appearance): "Taro Reef #8" "Taro Reef #9" "Taro Reef #1" "Taro Reef #4" "Taro Reef #5" "Taro Reef #11' "Taro Reef #6" "Taro Reef #3" "Taro Reef #7" "Taro Reef #10" "Taro Reef #2" _____________________________________________________ For prints, exhibits or licensing inquiries please contact: Direction and edit: Ithaka ©2019 Sweatlodge Films Song: Ithaka "Liquid Harmonics" album, Voiceless Blue Raven II Note: all images in this presentation are under U.S. Federal and international copyrights ©2015, ©2019 #Ithaka #IthakaDarinPappas #fotografiasurreal

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

"The Miracle Mile Shot" Winner Short-Subject Documentary at LAGFF Festival

"The Miracle Mile Shot" is an experimental, non-dialogue short-subject documentary film by Greek-American artist-photographer Ithaka Darin Pappas. This is the third in his series of hip-hop Photomentaries almost entirely relying on his own archival imagery of West Coast rap artists.

Ithaka cites legendary documentary film-maker, Ken Burns as a motivating influence to begin this type of film work.

"I begin seeing these incredible documentaries randomly at different times and places around the world, on planes, at friends houses etc. And it took me a minute to realize that all of this compelling story-telling; Jazz, The Civil War, and The National Parks: America's Best Idea were coming from the same source, Ken Burns. His projects can tell an entire story with only still photographs if necessary, it's amazing.

I realized that I was the creator of much of the kind of raw still photographic material that Mr. Burns uses for his projects, and it has inspired me to begin to edit and present these images in a film format to tell a story. The Miracle Mile Shot is my third short-subject film festival project. I have already completed earlier this year Eazy E & Venice Locals (A Historic Day in the Brotherhood of Hip Hop and Skateboarding

I call these projects Photomentaries, meaning at this point I am only using still photographs in movement, with sound and text to vocal communicate ideas. I am not sure I will ever incorporate narration, I am enjoying the closed-mouth communication direction of it all and think I'd like to take it to the next level and even try a much longer project, of up to an hour.

"The Miracle Mile Shot" has also appeared at the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival and has already been submitted to several other short film festivals around the world.

Images from The film:

Monday, May 27, 2019

"Eazy E & Venice Locals" non-dialogue documentary at MIMPI - Festival de Surf, Skate e Cinema! in Rio de Janeiro

MIMPI - Festival de Surf, Skate e Cinema! in Rio de Janeiro 19 de Maio 2019:

Was Eazy E rap music’s first celebrity skateboarder?, is the question Eazy E & Venice Locals - A Historic Day in the Brotherhood of Hip Hop and Skateboarding (2019) gracefully but unapologetically answers.

Although well-paced with beautiful archival photographs and energetic beat box soundtrack, the most important thing to be said about this experimental, non-dialogue short subject documentary, is that we can clearly dismiss any rumors of the infamous 1989 Eazy E skateboarding photographs by Ithaka Darin Pappas as a being hoax. Such as the photo below:

During the course of the nine-and-a-half-minute long short, screened last week at the Festival MIMPI, In the visual navigation a proof sheet of the images in question, we can clearly see Eazy E surrounded by prominent locals of the era riding a couple of different skateboards around the now defunct Venice Pavillon.

Eazy E foi o primeiro skatista de famoso da música  rap ?, é a pergunta Eazy E & Locals de Venice - Um Dia Histórico na Irmandade de Hip Hop e Skateboarding (2019) graciosamente mas sem remorso responde. Embora bem ritmado com lindas fotografias de arquivo e trilha sonora animada de beatbox, a coisa mais importante a ser dita sobre esse documentário experimental, sem diálogos, é que podemos claramente rejeitar quaisquer rumores das famigeradas fotografias de skate Eazy E de 1989 por Ithaka. Darin Pappas como sendo um hoax. 

Durante o percurso de nove minutos e meio, exibido na semana passada no Festival MIMPI, na navegação visual uma folha de prova das imagens em questão, podemos ver claramente Eazy E rodeado por proeminentes moradores da região. Era andar um par de skates diferentes ao redor do agora extinto Pavillon de Veneza.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Eazy E Riding A Skateboard? Rare Photograph by Ithaka Darin Pappas at Annenberg Space for Photography exhibit

An extremely rare 1989 photograph of deceased rap superstar Eazy E (Eric Wright 1964-1995) by artist/photographer Ithaka Darin Pappas will soon be exhibited to the public at The Anneberg Space For Photography in Century City (Los Angeles). The exhibit Contact High: A Visual History Of Hip Hop created and curated by Vikki Tobak, with creative direction by hip hop founding father, Fab 5 Freddy.

Contact High includes 140 works from 60 photographers, with over 75 original, unedited contact sheets—from Barron Claiborne’s iconic Notorious B.I.G. portraits and early images of Jay-Z, Kendrick Lamar, and Kanye West as they first came on the the scene, to Janette Beckman’s defining photos of Salt-N-Pepa, Jamel Shabazz and Gordon Parks documenting hip-hop culture and the aforementioned images by Ithaka Darin Pappas.

The exhibit will run April 25th 2019 - Until August 18th 2019

Source: Newsweek